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Investor’sView™ is an online portfolio management tool. It analyzes your clients’ portfolios to: create trades using what-if scenarios, purchase and sell a single security across all your accounts, and automatically rebalance portfolios to your own models. With Investor’sView™ you can streamline the investment decision-making, presentation, compliance and trading processes. It interfaces with most major trust accounting systems. The product consists of six parts: Compliance, Modeling, Reporting, Trading, Account Management, and Administration. Feature Summary:

  • Compliance is a built-in system used for reviewing portfolios. There are three types of review: Regulatory, Scheduled, and Demand.
  • Modeling lets you create or update three types of models: Asset Allocation, Sector Allocation, and Equity Models.
  • Reporting has five parts to it: Account Overview, Asset Allocation Report, Asset Review Report, Report Package, and Management Reports.
  • Creating What-If Trade Proposals is an integrated process in Investor’sView™. The integration spans over a number of separate systems and sub-systems.
  • Account Management has six parts to it: Account Information, Asset Notes, Excluded Assets, Contact Management, Prospect Accounts, and Related Accounts.
  • Administration has six parts to it: Prospect Accounts, Related Accounts, Policy Lists, Price Alerts, Security Maintenance, Upload Center.

For more information, please contact Bill McFadden at 610.225.8580,

or email us at bill.mcfadden@ftintegrators.com

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