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Investor'sViewâ„¢ Reporting consists of five categories: Account Overview, Asset Allocation Report, Asset Review Report, Report Package, and Management Reports. Feature Summary:

  • Account Overview provides summary information about an opened account at the individual account level.
  • Asset Allocation Reports provide a break down of a portfolio by major asset class and holdings.
  • Asset Review Reports provide a variety of perspectives on the assets within a portfolio.
  • Report Packages allow you to combine most Asset Allocation and Asset Review reports into a single package for use in client meetings, decision making and presentations. You also have the ability to incorporate your organizations logo at the top of each report page.
  • Management Reports are used to view specific characteristics across a group of accounts.

For more information, please contact Bill McFadden at 610.225.8580,

or email us at bill.mcfadden@ftintegrators.com

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